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8-Storey Residential Building in Westboro 3 Proposed Towers at 1047 Richmond rd 21-Storey Mixed-Use Building Proposed on Nicholas Updated Proposal to New Salvation Army Facility’s Development Application 9-Storey Apartment Building Proposed for Alexander Fleck House

The Metro Chrysler, located at 1047 Richmond road in Carlingwood West, may soon be razed to make room for 3 towers proposed by Fengate Asset Management, with heights of 36-, 38-, and 40-storeys. With the subject site lying directly across Richmond road from the future New Orchard Light Rail Transit (LRT) Station, it makes a desirable location to build 1,343 residential units. A total of 762 underground parking spaces (672 for residential use and 90 for visitors) are also part of the plan. 672 bicycle spaces are reserved for residents with an additional 6 for commercial use. The ground floor of the podium consists of 1,347 square metres of commercial space intended to house retail tenants along Richmond road. 

Looking northwest from Richmond rd and New Orchard ave N. intersection. Image from submission to the city.

Ottawa has been moving in a new direction with architectural design that it hasn’t seen in decades, and Fotenn had this to say about the design of the 3 towers: “The proposed development of the three buildings has a consistent architectural vocabulary as a unified development. The mass of each building has been divided into smaller volumes ensuring volumes feel less dense. The volumes are distinguished by the difference in treatment from solid materials, transparent glass, and the rhythm created by the balconies. This architectural expression is carried down into the podium, where the vertical fins change in thickness to create a fading effect and movement. This vertical articulation creates a volume which appears less solid. Increased glazing reveals a ground floor which achieves more visibility to enhance the public realm.”

View from corner of Richmond rd and New Orchard ave. Image from submission to the city.

The proposal also puts aside 1,015 square metres, at the corner of Richmond road and New Orchard ave N, for a public park.

Perspective from the north. Image from submission to the city.